The Unsung Lullaby

the past:
she demanded he run a marathon
just so he could prove he loved her-
and he did.
people called him stupid
and weak.
he walked away
with head bowed in shame
when she discarded him
for his weaknesses.

the present:
Jo-Ann collected his tears
bottled them up
and fermented them;
over time
the stench became
it was sickening,
but he revisited them
though Jo hid them in a shelf
far beyond his imagination.
he bathed in them every morning
just to remind himself they exist.

at evening
Jo washed his body
and watched the pain slink
through the drain
like mucus from a newborn babe;
he held her
and said:
"thank you."
she smiled
with the pain
he couldn't see

the walls he built
the hate he held on to
the remnants of him-
shrapnel of "her" still nailed within him-
were the prison bars
the waiting gallows
and broken glass
he thought were attacking him
in bed
while he slept
safely next to Jo

the future:
one day Jo got tired of bathing him
the grown man's stench was
more than she could bear
the pain coiled up inside him
was the pain coiled up inside her
and she paid
every bitter drawl
every mismatched showdown
every misunderstood sentence
for the things he couldn't control
but Jo gave him control of her
and she thought that enough to
brand their love  into a time
that never came

the end:
Jo left him
in the bathtub,
partly submerged in fresh blood-
he says:
she drained his heart of
all that he had left.
but he didn't recognize
that the piece she begged of him
and the piece he promised her
had long disintegrated
with the lullaby he promised
but never sung.

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